Hit the jackpot under the Las Vegas sun!


Monthly Average Temperatures for Las Vegas, Nevada

Period of Record: 1981-2010

MonthsAverage High
F° / C°
Average Low
F° / C°
Average Precipitation
inches / centimeters
January58 / 1437 / 30.54 / 1.37
February63 / 1741 / 50.76 / 1.93
March70 / 2147 / 80.44 / 1.12
April78 / 2654 / 120.15 / 0.38
May89 / 3163 / 170.12 / 0.3
June99 / 3772 / 220.07 / 0.18
July104 / 4078 / 260.40 / 1.02
August102 / 3977 / 250.33 / 0.84
September94 / 3469 / 200.25 / 0.63
October81 / 2757 / 140.27 / 0.69
November66 / 1944 / 70.36 / 0.91
December57 / 1437 / 30.50 / 1.27

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